Influencing Policy for Better Change.

International Development & African Diaspora

Aims & Objectives


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To consider and pursue the needs of Diaspora Groups in their international development work, and to facilitate the knowledge and skills of Diaspora Groups in Wales to be used to advice and support indigenous Welsh International Development Organisations. 

Our Mission


Our mission is to develop the capacity, strengthen the advocacy voice and increase the collaborative potential of the diaspora community in Wales

Our Vision


A world in which the sustainable development goals have been achieved for the people of Sub-Saharan Africa

Our Values

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Respect - Commitment to Understanding other’s Dignity
Be Ethical - Do No Harm
Inclusion - Involvement of a Broad Range of People
Transparency - Honesty and Accountability
Sustainability - Act with Responsibility for People and Planet
Reflection - Learning Organisation

Our Belief


We believe in Sharing Knowledge

We believe in being an open, inclusive, collaborative space

We believe in empowering our members.



1. Develop Capacity:          

Enable a dynamic and effective diaspora community

Provide high quality capacity building opportunities for SSAP members, staff and volunteers

Ensure financial sustainability of SSAP

Establish a clear, effective governance approach

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2. Strengthen Voice:

Inspire and influence, locally, nationally and internationally

Engage diverse community groups in influencing policy

Share and deepen understanding of SSAP vision, purpose and mission

Capture and communicate successes

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3. Bring Together:

Be an inclusive reliable, innovative platform for collaborations

Develop effective partnerships and networks at all levels

Act as a collaborative learning and sharing platfom

Connect opportunities and ideas between communities in Africa and Wales