Influencing Policy for Better Change.

International Development & African Diaspora

Hub Cymru Africa


Hub Cymru Africa is a partnership supporting the Wales Africa Community, bringing together the work of the Wales and Africa Health Links Network, the Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel, the Welsh Centre for International Affairs and Fair Trade Wales.

We represent the global solidarity sector in Wales and support the sector to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals through partnership projects between Wales and Africa.

Hub Cymru Africa is supported by the Welsh Government and is hosted by the Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel in Cardiff.

Hub Cymru Africa offers 1-to-1 advice, mentoring, training, events, awareness-raising, policy and advocacy to increase the capacity and effectiveness of the charitable and public organisations we work with.

They support the diverse and vibrant groups and individuals in Wales - fair trade campaigners, African diaspora, NHS staff, community and faith-based organisations, and charities - to contribute to socially responsible global development.

These partnerships and groups are supported to grow (through fundraising and recruiting new volunteers and trustees); mitigate risks (such as due diligence in partnerships, safeguarding and financial management); enhance quality (through working to best practices such as impact reporting and community designed projects); and to network with funders and peers as well as to improve diversity and inclusion of African diaspora in Wales.

They are funded through grants from the Welsh Government and the UK Government Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office. As the principal support organisation for the Wales and Africa programme, they are a catalyst for action from Wales which contributes to development outcomes in Africa and beyond as well as establishing Wales as a globally responsible nation.
