Influencing Policy for Better Change.

International Development & African Diaspora

Africa - UK



Africa-UK Branding Guidelines

There are a number of brands and partners involved in Africa-UK. This can become confusing for

those engaged with the initiative. It is therefore crucial that we use consistent branding to

encourage greater recognition amongst the African diaspora and decision makers of the role Africa-

UK is playing.

The Africa-UK leaflet contains the logos of all organisations involved in Africa-UK (funders,

implementers, delivery partners and associate partners). These branding guidelines should be used

for all other materials (printed/ electronic/ on-line etc).

Brands involved in Africa-UK


Africa-UK is funded by:

Comic Relief through the Common Ground Initiative with support from the Baring Foundation.


Africa-UK is implemented by:

AFFORD (African Foundation for Development), with some elements sub-contracted to additional

delivery partners.

The additional delivery partners are:

African Council Scotland/ NIDOS, Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel, Centre for African Studies and the

Diaspora Volunteering Alliance.

The associate partners are:

Global Native, HIRDA UK, MIFUMI-UK and Norfolk African Community Association (NACA).

When talking about Africa-UK the following language should be used


Africa-UK supports UK-based Africans to influence policy and practice affecting Africa’s


Explanation of the funding/ implementation of Africa-UK:

Africa-UK is funded by Comic Relief through the Common Ground Initiative, with support from the

Baring Foundation. It is implemented by AFFORD (African Foundation for Development) and

delivered in partnership with the African Council Scotland/ NIDOS (Network of International

Development Organisations in Scotland), Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel, Centre of African Studies and

the Diaspora Volunteering Alliance. [These are known as the delivery partners.]

Logos to be used on all Africa-UK materials (print/ electronic/ website etc):

The Africa-UK logo should feature as the prime logo, with AFFORD, CGI, CR and Baring logos

featuring as below, and then the delivery partners’ (African Council Scotland/ NIDOS (Network of

International Development Organisations in Scotland), Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel, Centre of African

Studies and the Diaspora Volunteering Alliance) logos below that:



Activities led by Delivery Partner

Where a specific delivery partner is leading on an activity then the additional wording can be added

at the start of the material.

This event/ area of work is being delivered by XX (insert delivery partner name) as part of the Africa-

UK initiative (followed by the Africa-UK information above).

It may also be appropriate to place the delivery partner logo alongside the AFFORD logo – this is left

to the discretion of AFFORD and the delivery partner.

Associate partners:

On some materials AFFORD and the associate partner(s) may want to add the associate partners

details and logos. This is left to the discretion of AFFORD.

Activities which are led by, or involve, the associate partners should have the relevant additional

partner logo added to the materials. Where the associate partners are leading the activity then the

additional wording should be: 

This event is being delivered by (or in association with) XX (insert associate partner name) as part of

the Africa-UK initiative (followed by the Africa-UK information above).

The associate partners logos are below:


Africa-UK: Latest News

Africa UK Seminar (Wales) - Remittances and the Role of the African Diaspora in the UK

What next? Post-MDGs Conference: Sharing Best Practice & Contribution of Welsh African Diasporas


View all news »