Fairtrade Fortnight 2019. Fairtrade Fortnight is back in 2019 from 25 February to 10 March. It's the most important time of the year for us all to celebrate our Fairtrade achievements and our commitment to making trade fair.
SSAP in partnership with Fair Trade Wales; Centre for African Entrepreneurship (CAE) and Rumba Cafe are hosting an interactive day with Fairtrade Wales for African and BAME commuities to understand what Fair Trade is and how they can apply Fair Trade ethoes and values on their daily lives. On the day, we will
- To explore what Fair Trade is;
- Why BAME/diaspora communities should advocate for Fair Trade products
- Tasting session using Fair Trade products
The manager of Rumba Cafe and representative from Fairtrade Wales will join us for an engaging discussion as we nibble some of Rumba Cafe's fair traded meal!