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International Development & African Diaspora

Discover the Joy of Community and Music with Soel Connect Choir

Discover the Joy of Community and Music with Soel Connect Choir

22 Apr 2024

Written by Carol Adams

Are you ready to embark on a musical journey filled with friendship, support, and cultural richness? Look no further than Soel Connect, the vibrant choir at the heart of the Jamii 2 Project, dedicated to enhancing the health and wellbeing of black communities in Wales. Join us as we dive into the inspiring stories of Frances S.C., Cathy S.C., and Mary S.C., and explore the transformative power of music and community.

Frances S.C.: A Journey of Hope and Purpose

Frances, a participant from an African country, found herself navigating the uncertainties of a new life in Wales. However, her involvement with Soel Connect brought her a renewed sense of hope and purpose. Through the choir, Frances discovered a supportive community where she could express her passion for singing and contribute meaningfully to the collective spirit. As she reflects, "There's actually a sense of hope... I've seen individuals come out of depression or come out of their shell."

Cathy S.C.: Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

For Cathy S.C., Soel Connect became more than just a choir—it became a place of belonging and cultural richness. She shares, "There's a lot of colour in the group... It’s such a diverse group." Through Soel Connect, Cathy not only honed her musical skills but also embraced the opportunity to learn about different cultures and forge deep connections with fellow members. The inclusive atmosphere of Soel Connect enriched Cathy's experience and provided her with a supportive network.

Mary S.C.: Nurturing Mental Health and Wellbeing

Amidst life's demands, Mary found solace and rejuvenation through her involvement with Soel Connect. "This is a place where I feel like it does a great deal for my mental health... It restores a sense of balance," she shares. Through music and community engagement, Mary discovered a sanctuary where she could navigate life's challenges with renewed vigour and resilience. The supportive environment of Soel Connect empowered Mary to prioritize her mental health and wellbeing. For Frances S.C “There's a sense of care... I feel very much like I've got a place where I belong and a place where someone cares”.

Forging Lifelong Friendships and Strong Connections

A fundamental aspect of Soel Connect's impact is its ability to foster genuine friendships and forge strong connections among its members. Frances S.C., Cathy S.C., and Mary S.C. all emphasize the profound sense of camaraderie and support they found within the choir.

Frances S.C., reflecting on her journey, remarked, "Soel Connect became more than just a choir—it became a family." This sentiment echoes throughout Cathy S.C.'s and Mary S.C.'s experiences as well. From celebrating birthdays to organizing prayer nights, the members of Soel Connect actively nurture and cherish their relationships beyond the confines of musical rehearsals.

Cathy S.C. shared, "I have made lifelong friends with the ladies in the group. We are family." Similarly, Mary S.C. expressed, "I have developed strong relationships and connections with people in the group. It has been a blessing."

These heartfelt connections transcend cultural backgrounds and age differences. Cathy S.C. noted, "There's a lot of colour in the group. It’s such a diverse group." This diversity enriches their interactions, offering a wealth of perspectives and experiences that contribute to the vibrant tapestry of Soel Connect's community.

In times of joy and adversity, the members of Soel Connect stand by each other, providing unwavering support and companionship. Through shared laughter, shared experiences, and shared dreams, they have built a network of friendships that serve as pillars of strength in their lives.

As Frances S.C., Cathy S.C., and Mary S.C. attest, the bonds forged within Soel Connect extend far beyond the realm of music—they represent the essence of belonging, acceptance, and love.

Join Soel Connect: Experience the Magic of Community

Are you ready to experience the transformative power of music and community? Join Soel Connect today and become part of a vibrant community dedicated to nurturing wellbeing and unity. Whether you're passionate about singing or seeking meaningful connections, Soel Connect welcomes individuals from all walks of life.

Contact for more information and to join Soel Connect Choir.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to embark on a musical journey filled with friendship, support, and cultural richness. Join Soel Connect today and discover the joy of community and music!

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The names of the individuals featured in this blog post, Frances S.C., Cathy S.C., and Mary S.C.—are pseudonyms. These pseudonyms have been used to protect their identities while sharing their valuable experiences with Soel Connect and the Jamii 2 Project.

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