About SSAP’s New Collaborative Project – TuWezeshe Akina Dada!!
SSAP along with 3 other partners have been successful in their recent bid to Comic Relief’s, Common Ground Initiative (CGI) to deliver a Women and Girls Rights Programme in five countries; United Kingdom, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Somaliland. Titled, ‘Wezesha Africa’. this is an innovative bespoke programme aimed at developing and enhancing the Voice, Profile and Leadership of African women, particularly young women.
This programme will be aimed at strengthening links between UK-based African diaspora and women in Africa across the generations using effective and innovative approaches. It will provide a combination of convening, capacity building support, leadership development and technology for social change, all with the aim of supporting improvements in the voice, profile and leadership of young women in Africa and the UK diaspora.
Foundation for Women's Health Research and Development (FORWARD) is an African-women led development and campaign organization, committed to safeguarding the dignity, health and human rights of African women and girls. Based in the UK, since 1983 FORWARD has worked in partnership to tackle female genital mutilation, child marriage, obstetric fistulae and other related social and health care concerns across the UK, Africa and Europe. As a lead organisation FORWARD will oversee the overall implementation of The Project and will deliver activities in England and Tanzania. @FORWARDUK
Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA) is a Uganda-based NGO committed to strengthening African women's collective and individual leadership skills. Founded in 1985, AMwA works on transformative feminist leadership programs, influencing policy, facilitating networking opportunities and capturing and documenting the herstories of African women and girls. AMwA will be responsible for activities in Uganda. @AMwA
Young Women Leaders Institute (YWLI) fosters spaces for young women and girls to engage in policy making processes. Established in 2002, the Kenya-based trust equips girls and young women with feminist leadership skills, facilitating initiatives for social change and the sharing of information and resources to build leadership capacity. YWLI are responsible for activities in Kenya. @YWLI
TuWezeshe Akina Dada
My Rights My Freedom
Today the Cardiff based Sub Sahara Advisory Panel (SSAP) are launching the TuWezeshe Akina Dada: My Rights My Freedom project to improve the rights of East African girls and young women to be free from all forms of violence. Please click on the discover more button below.